Friday, March 5, 2021

Published March 05, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Maximize difference between sum of prime and non-prime array elements by left shifting of digits minimum number of times


def isPrime(n):



    if (n <= 1):

        return False

    if (n <= 3):

        return True




    if (n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0):

        return False


    i = 5



    while(i * i <= n):



        if (n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0):

            return False

        i = i + 6


    return True


def rotateElement(n):



    strN = str(n)




    maxPrime = -1




    cost = 0


    temp = str(strN)




    for i in range(len(strN)):




        if isPrime(int(temp)) and int(temp) > maxPrime:

            maxPrime = int(temp)

            cost = i



        temp = temp[1:]+temp[:1]


    optEle = maxPrime



    if optEle == -1:

        optEle = float('inf')

        temp = str(strN)




        for i in range(len(strN)):



            if int(temp) < optEle:

                optEle = int(temp)

                cost = i



            temp = temp[1:]+temp[:1]

        optEle *= (-1)


    return (optEle, cost)


def getMaxSum(arr):




    maxSum, cost = 0, 0



    for x in arr:




        optEle, optCost = rotateElement(x)




        maxSum += optEle

        cost += optCost



    print('Difference =', maxSum, ',',

          'Count of operations =', cost)




arr = [541, 763, 321, 716, 143]


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