Monday, July 5, 2021

Published July 05, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Zoho Interview Experience

Zoho Interview Experience

Hii, I have recently attended the Zoho On-Campus interview.

ROUND 1(APTITUDE AND C MCQ’S): In the first round, they have conduct the test for 1 hour. 

  • In that, they are two parts apditude and C mcqs . 
  • It is very easy to clear. then, I have cleared the first round and selected for the second round.

ROUND 2(BASIC PROGRAMMING): In this round they have given 3 sets, each set contains 2 questions. when you finish the first set, the second set will be given.  

Questions asked were:

  1. A ball is dropped from a height H (meters), it bounces back to a height of B*H where B is the bouncing factor and 0<B<1. Calculate the total distance travelled by the ball before coming to rest while dropped from a height H on a surface with a bouncing factor of B. When height is less than 1m, ball does not bounce back.
    H=5, B=0.5​
    Explanation :  
    5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.25 + 1.25 
  2. Replace the characters in a string based on the transformation: A -> Z, B->Y, C->X and so on​
  3. Given an array, fill the alternate duplicate elements by 0.
    Input 1:  
    2 2 2 2  
    Output 1:  
    2 0 2 0   
    Input 2:  
    1 2 2 5 6 9 5 2  
    Output 2:  
    1 2 0 5 6 9 0 2 
  4. Given 2 strings A and B, check if swapping 2 characters only once in string ‘A’ makes the string equal to ‘B’.
    A = flrweo    
    B = flower​
  5. While typing, it is possible to press a key long enough that it could get typed more than once. Given two strings A and B, check if B could be a typed version of A.
    Input 1:  
    A = anime  
    B = aanimeee​
    Output 1:  
    Input 2:  
    A = Limcee  
    B = Limmcce​
    Output 2:  
  6. Given a matrix M of dimension A x B containing 0’s and 1’s, find out the number of positions at which the value is 1 and other elements in its corresponding rows and columns are all 0.
    Input 1:  
    A = 3, B = 3  
    M = 001  
    Output 1:  
    Input 2:  
    A = 3, B = 3  
    M = 001  
    Output 2:  

In this round, I have finished 5 programs and then I have selected for the third round.


  • In this round they will be given 1 question, In that question there will be several modules, For me they have asked to create the snake and ladder game .In that there are 5 modules. 
  • I have finished the 4 modules and get selected for the fourth round.

ROUND 4(TECHNICAL INTERVIEW 1): In this round they have asked about what you mentioned in the resume, this interview has gone for 1 hour.

  • They asked about the oops concept
  • what is mean by JDK and JRE 
  • why java is called as compiler-depended
  • Is java is fully object-oriented language or not, why? 
  • If you have power to automate anything in the world using program what will automate and why? 
  • They asked about the project work done in the college, and they asked about night shift work. In this round they will mostly concentrate on your logical thinking and answer the question confidently. then I have cleared this round.


  • In this round they have asked little bit tough question about which programming language familiar you are. 
  • This round gone for 20 minutes. then I have cleared this round also.


  • In this round they have asked about the family background and why Zoho, about your long-term goals. Finally, I have cleared this round and got placed in zoho. 
  • Finally, this interview is little bit tough, If you work hard definitely you will be placed at one day, Be happy and keep others always happy.

Thanks for the GeeksforGeeks to share my interview experience. Hope this will be helpful to others.

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