Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Published June 29, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Check if String formed by first and last X characters of a String is a Palindrome

Check if String formed by first and last X characters of a String is a Palindrome

Given a string str and an integer X. The task is to find whether the first X characters of both string str and reversed string str are same or not. If it is equal then print true, otherwise print false.


Input: str = abcdefba, X = 2
Output: true
First 2 characters of both string str and reversed string str are same.

Input: str = GeeksforGeeks, X = 3
Output: false

Approach: This problem can be solved by iterating over the characters of the string str. Follow the steps below to solve this problem: 

  • Initialize two variables say, i as 0 and n as length of str to store position of current character and length of the string str respectively.
  • Iterate while i less than n and x:
    • If ith character from starting and ith from the last are not equal, then print false and return.
  • After completing the above steps, print true as the answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach : 


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;


void isEqualSubstring(string str, int x)



    int n = str.length();

    int i = 0;





    while (i < n && i < x) {




        if (str[i] != str[n - i - 1]) {

            cout << "false";







    cout << "true";



int main()



    string str = "GeeksforGeeks";

    int x = 3;



    isEqualSubstring(str, x);



Time complexity: O(min(n, k))
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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