Thursday, February 18, 2021

Published February 18, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Amazon Interview Experience for SDE Internship (Pool-Campus)

Amazon conducted a recruitment drive for a group of Colleges.

The process consisted of 3 rounds: One Online Test followed by 2 Technical Interview Rounds.

Online Test:

It consisted of 4 sections:

  • Debugging: It consisted of 7 Questions, having small code snippets, provided with a problem statement and expected output. One should modify the minimum number of statements possible so that the code solves the given problem and passes all the test cases.
  • Coding: Consisted of 2 medium level questions. One based on Maps, and other on Graphs.
  • Behavioral Section: This section consists of questions that majorly focus on your personality and behavior.
  • Logical Resoning: Aptitude questions, also focusing on Verbal ability.

I received the test results after a month. The interviews were then scheduled.

Technical Interview 1: (60 mins)

Generally, they ask 2 coding questions in this interview, but based on the question and time allotted, they can also ask you just a single question. So give your best shot right from the beginning.

The interviewer firstly introduced himself, and then asked me to do the same. After introduction we directly jumped into coding. They provide you with a Live Code platform.

So, this was a traversal based question, that can be solved either using BFS/DFS traversal or Trie Data structure (optimal solution). I initially began with trying out the DFS traversal. The interviewer then asked me to optimize it. Then I discussed the solution using Trie data structure. The interviewer seemed satisfied, and then asked me to code the solution.

The discussion went really well and coding the solution took some time. We had over-shooted the allotted time so I didn’t get a chance to ask any questions to the Interviewer. 

After 3-4 hours, I got a call from the HR, stating that I have my 2nd interview scheduled in the next 15-20 mins.

Technical Interview 2: (60 mins)

The interview began in the same way as the previous one, with introduction from both sides. I was then asked to brief about any one of my projects. After this, we began with the coding part.

  • : This required a slight variation of Binary search algorithm. I, as usual began with a brute force approach. After, that the interviewer wanted an optimized approach. I tried out some recursive solution using modification of binary search but that didn’t work well. Later on after many hints from the interviewer I was able to solve the question.

Then the interviewer asked me if I had any questions for him, after which the round ended.

Final Verdict: REJECTED

I think I took a lot of hints from the interviewer on the first question, that led to me being rejected. 

Important Take-aways:

Sometimes, if we fail at our first try, we should look at problems from a wider perspective, as a fresh problem. That would surely help.

Keep on conversing with the interviewer. He’ll surely help you in finding the right way. Just listen to them carefully.

Try tracing out sample inputs before confirming the solution.

And lastly, All the Best for your interviews. Stay calm and composed. Give your Best Shot right from the beginning.

Always remember, What defines us is how well we RISE after Falling. Everything else, is just a part of our LIFE.

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