Thursday, August 5, 2021

Published August 05, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

How to Build a News App Using WebView Controller in Android Studio?

In this article, we are going to make a News App with help of a WebView Controller in Android Studio. By making this application we will learn how to access Internet Permission in our android application and how to use WebView with its class named WebView Controller. After making this application you will also be aware of Navigation Drawer activity in android studio. So, let us start!


What we are going to build in this article? 

In this application, we are going to use the Navigation Drawer activity and set different fragments of different newspapers in it. In the fragments of navigation drawer, we will use WebView to access the websites of the different news channels and at last, we will make a class WebView Controller so that, we can show all these websites in our own application rather than going to the browser. A sample GIF is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language. 

Step by Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a New Project

Open Android Studio and create a new project by selecting Navigation Drawer Activity. You will get many default files but you have to make changes only in those where we have to work.

Step 2: Working with XML files

Open layout > nav_header_main.xml file to design the header of our navigation drawer. For that use the following code in it-


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


























        app:srcCompat="@drawable/news_app_img" />








        android:text="News App"









        app:layout_constraintVertical_bias="1.0" />



After implementing the above code UI of the header file will be like:

Open menu > activity_main_drawer.xml file and use the following code in it so that we can add different items to our navigation drawer and use their fragments.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <group android:checkableBehavior="single">






            android:title="Zee News" />





            android:title="Times Of India" />





            android:title="Hindustan Times" />





After implementation of the following code design of the activity_main_drawer.xml file looks like

Change the color of the ActionBar to “#201E1E” so that it can match the color code of logo of our application and our UI can become more attractive. If you do not know how to change the color of the action bar then you can click here to learn it. Go to layout > activity_main.xml and use the following code in it.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

















        android:layout_height="match_parent" />











        app:menu="@menu/activity_main_drawer" />



After implementing the above code our UI looks like this

Go to the navigation > mobile_navigation.xml file and use the following code in it so that we can specify the title and label of our items and can easily use them in java files.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>













        android:label="Zee News"

        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_home" />






        android:label="Times Of India"

        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_gallery" />






        android:label="Hindustan Times"

        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_slideshow" />



Now it’s time to insert WebView in all the fragments. Open fragment_home, fragment_gallery, fragment_slideshow XML files and use the code respectively.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>














        android:layout_height="match_parent" />




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>














        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>













        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />



Step 3: Add internet permission in the manifest file

Now we have add a piece of code to take permission for access to the internet so that our WebView can work easily. Go to the manifests > AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following code to it.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Step 4: Working with the java files

Create a new java class as shown below and name it as “WebViewController

Use the following code in the file so that code to use the URL of a website can be executed.


import android.webkit.WebView;

import android.webkit.WebViewClient;


public class WebViewController extends WebViewClient {


    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {





        return true;



Now it’s time to work on java files of fragments. Open HomeFragment, GalleryFragment, SlideshowFragment java files and use the code respectively.


package com.example.newsapp.ui.Home;


import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.ViewGroup;

import android.webkit.WebView;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider;


import com.example.newsapp.R;

import com.example.newsapp.WebViewController;


public class HomeFragment extends Fragment {


    private HomeViewModel homeViewModel;


    public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        homeViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(HomeViewModel.class);

        View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false);




        WebView webView = root.findViewById(;





        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewController());

        return root;




import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.ViewGroup;

import android.webkit.WebView;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider;


import com.example.newsapp.R;

import com.example.newsapp.WebViewController;


public class GalleryFragment extends Fragment {


    private GalleryViewModel galleryViewModel;


    public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        galleryViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(GalleryViewModel.class);

        View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_gallery, container, false);

        WebView webView = root.findViewById(;

        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewController());

        return root;




import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.ViewGroup;

import android.webkit.WebView;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider;


import com.example.newsapp.R;

import com.example.newsapp.WebViewController;


public class SlideshowFragment extends Fragment {


    private SlideshowViewModel slideshowViewModel;


    public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        slideshowViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(SlideshowViewModel.class);

        View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_slideshow, container, false);

        WebView webView = root.findViewById(;

        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewController());

        return root;



Congratulations!! You have successfully completed this news application. You can also add more number fragments for more news channels(a small task for you as learning from this article) and make the app more informative. Here is the output of our application.


If you want to take help or import the project then you can visit the GitHub link:

Hence, we made a news application that uses WebViewController to access the news channels’ websites and show them in our application very easily.

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Published August 05, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

10 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas

Cloud Computing is responding well to the changing needs of the current times. Those needs are either be of businesses or educational institutions like colleges, schools which have to be fulfilled with cost-effective and scalable solutions. And to learn how one can implement such solutions well, it is necessary to know how the notions of cloud computing can be mapped with real-time problems. Imagining if such problems could be considered as challenges and accepted in the form of project ideas! Yes, they could be the project ideas confined to the algorithms of Natural Language Processing or Artificial Intelligence responding well to the queries of customers or rural people. 


Let’s take a look at a few cloud computing project ideas you must explore well for better personal learning about the computational power of cloud technology.

1. Smart Traffic Management (STM)

STM means Smart Traffic Management. This project uses cloud computing power to reduce the waiting time request of your vehicle at peak traffic hours primarily. Such management will be depicted by an application that can potentially simulate the movement of vehicles like cars, scooters, and three-wheelers after analyzing real-time traffic. For beginners afraid of applying traffic management techniques to real-life problems, this project will help them strengthen their decision-making process. This is because they will be deriving the shortest path and time for a vehicle so that it may not get trapped by traffic congestion. Still thinking about how this project will predict the shortest path and minimum time for a vehicle! Through three-layered networks of a wireless sensor, vehicle routing, and updated coordinates of a vehicle’s source and destination, vehicles moving in modern cities can be tracked and monitored well. Later, video processing algorithms will measure the intensity of traffic influencing events like fluctuations in weather conditions, driving zones, and other special events. At last, traffic data will be extracted and analyzed for improving the overall efficiency of a vehicle to reach the destination, by picking up the available shortest path, in minimum time.

2. Chatbots

Chatbots are Artificially-Intelligent Softwares showing responsiveness towards the existing queries. Those queries may either be of a student or an employee, depending upon the requirements in real-times. But this project will promisingly let the beginners prepare a software whose database is cloud-based and let a student get responses for the queries he/she may enter. Are you curious to know how this project will be identifying the answers? With NLP i.e Natural Language Processing and ML i.e Machine Learning algorithms, a list of appropriate responses will be entered in those chatbots which will answer the questions (these are the input patterns) of a student in a goal-oriented manner. This is one of the reasons why the project is popular and preferred by many cloud-computing aspirants. Besides, the thing which can’t be avoided in this project is connectivity with a website you are using. After the website is linked with the chatbot, you will be able to analyze how many users have started talking with the chatbot and to what extent the project is accurately and precisely answering to the variety of visitors always waiting for someone to help them fulfill their requirements.        

3. Bug Tracker

Bug Tracker isn’t only simple but effective to use for identifying and killing a variety of bugs. Those bugs may occur due to errors in communication, syntax, calculations, or commands. Thinking how such bugs may be identified in a shorter span! For doing the same, a person using this tracker (who may either be an administrator, staff member, or some customer) will determine the type and source of the bug just by logging in to this application via a valid username and strong password. Then, the person may review the details regarding the bug like the date of bug creation, the time for which the bug lasted in the system, and so on. In case the bug isn’t related directly or indirectly to the administrator, he/she may transfer its details to a staff member or vice versa. If required, the bug details may also be sent to the customers if the same (i.e. bug) is troubling them. The benefit will be that the customers not able to find solutions for that bug will directly by contacting the administrator for the much-required solutions. In this manner, the customers need not waste their time analyzing the searches and labels of this Bug Tracker as the administrator has provided the solutions that can detect and eliminate a bug in a shorter span. 

4. Detecting Data Leaks Using SQL

Data Leaks have become common in this pandemic era and their consequences are hazardous to innocent users. This is because they may occur in a known or unknown manner since it has many types. Either your password gets stolen when any of your friends get successful in remembering the keystrokes or some ransomware starts taking charge of your system as well as mind, all these are a variety of data leaks. In this project, a system will be prepared through cloud technology whose security will be AESX Encryption based. Are you thinking about how this will prevent the existing security vulnerabilities (like an SQL Injection)? For doing the same successfully, the software detecting the data leaks will do the content inspection and contextual analysis both. Through them, the users (which may either be an assaulter) will be categorized in accordance with the messages or activities they are performing over the internet. Later, if the messages sent by a user are inviting security vulnerabilities in a knowing or unknowing manner, such messages and the users are identified and the software (packed with DLP i.e. Data Loss Prevention solutions) will intelligently restrict those users or take some strict actions against them for preventing such losses in terms of money or mental health. On an overall basis, this project will ideally ensure the privacy and security of your information stored on the e-commerce platforms at which you may log in daily or frequently.     

5. Android Offloading

Android Offloading would be a direct approach to facilitate easy offloading. Now you may ask what the offloading is? Offloading is a combination of Off + Loading which means switching off or reducing the load. That load may either be on an operating system like Android or Windows, depending upon the complexity of the environment. In this project, students will be proposing an offloading framework that uses cloud-based servers. Such servers will be reducing a load of Android by letting the users shift the heavy workload applications onto those virtual servers consisting of benefits of cloud storage. With this, various processes running in the foreground or background of your Android phones may now execute other important tasks as space is now made available for them. Here, users may select a process or the associated file to conveniently record the timestamp analysis. Such analysis will determine for how long the existing applications are using Android resources and computing power and what are the non-interacting components of the existing applications? With this, those non-interactive portions and space-occupying tasks are shifted towards the cloud-based servers thereby empowering the smartphones to exhibit robotic offload in real-times. This would be an ideal choice for beginners as such a project will be helping the companies determine if their existing systems are capable of extracting profit margins or not within the existing market circumstances!

6. Blood Banking Via Cloud Computing

Blood Banking is a process that utilizes well, the existing scientific methods, for facilitating the transfusion of blood. Depending upon the blood type and availability of donors in that particular area, this project can cater to such parameters well through a central database strengthened with the computing power of scalable and efficient cloud storage. You may think about how the doctors and other professional medical experts will identify which donor is the best! The answer is the previous track records. This online cloud-based Blood Banking system will highlight the key contributions of the donors in previous months or years and determine the quality of results produced by his/her blood. With this, doctors and other practitioners are now assured with the ease of access to blood (either A+, B+, AB+, or O-)  during an emergency period. Also, this will be helping the beginners understand the importance of blood banks and what are the consequences patients need to face when the blood which could be transfused to their veins isn’t provided at their booked slots.

7. Attendance Tracker

Attendance Tracker could be an award-winning project for college students or beginners in the field of cloud computing. This is because such a tracker will help investigate anomalies in the current attendance records. With this tracker, students may hypnotize their teachers or experienced authorities of management because the tracker has so much potential that it can identify which students are irregular to their classes and not ready to establish connectivity with the actual concepts of their curriculum’s subjects. The tracker works fine with Azure cloud that manages the analytics and networking of cloud-oriented applications well. As soon as you enter a student’s Enrollment Number or Name, details like availability in classes, number of lectures attended will be displayed and no proxies are possible since the tracker is supported by Azure cloud capabilities. Even the security offered is so robust and powerful that those naughty students who always fool their deans are caught in a shorter span – just after the admin enters login details into this tracker. All this will improve accuracy and transparency in any of the educational institutions as students and their parents are pre-informed about the real-time status of leave requests and absenteeism in a confidential manner and at reduced costs. 

8. Rural Banking

This project supports the service of rural banking for smaller rural communities constantly looking for robust and strengthened deposit mobilization mechanisms. The reason is obvious – the collection of cash or other funds during emergency situations. Thinking about how this will boost up the overall rural development! With this rural banking system, villagers may effectively engage themselves with online banking activities and understand the importance of online transactions promisingly using cloud servers. The prime benefit is that students will show their active participation in enlightening the rural people about the benefits of transfer and withdrawal of cash deposited in their registered bank accounts. Indeed, these project ideas boost the demands of banking institutions up in rural areas because the villagers are now confident about the one-touch online transactions they can do with this rural banking system and keep themselves away from poverty and unemployment.    

9. Text CAT.

Text CAT. (Categorization) is an ideal project choice for beginners especially students interested to learn the real-time implications of business analytics. Thinking about how this project is adaptive towards the welfare of a company! With NLP algorithms and flexible work practices of Business Analytics, the company’s data may be classified and categorized as organized sets for better decision-making. Those sets provide conceptual views of the company’s content/ information thereby ensuring efficiency and scalability in the business processes. Also, this will be helping the company experts access better data quality since operational efficiency will now be not compromised with the changing market trends. Besides, with the valuable analysis of this project somewhere dependent on the potential of cloud servers, customer satisfaction can be achieved accurately and precisely as the features of this project track and monitor the key performance indicators quickly and sincerely.  

10. ENC. Cloud Storage

ENC. i.e. Encrypted Cloud Storage project is a thoroughly encrypted and adaptive model for analyzing variability in business atmospheres. All that data synchronized at cloud servers is stored in encrypted files consisting of cipher codes. Thinking how such cipher codes will be decrypted in a language easily understood by the employees and seniors? Here, the project uses a number system and its types which not only process but store the data files securely and with utmost encrypted-ness. The benefit of doing such a project is that students will be able to visualize the convenient ways of sharing the files in different formats and how the cloud storage enhances automation and synchronization through its disaster recovery or backup plans? Besides, the synchronization feature available in this project lets the users access their files from the connected cloud storage (from any part of the world) without any hustles of copy and paste.   

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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Published August 01, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

How Programming Languages are Changing the World?

Programming has been revolutionizing the world since the advent of the first software or a code-based project. Programming or coding has opened numerous new ways and paved the way for innovation in almost every industry. Today, with various types of coding languages available and modern tech-powered tools to assist, something new and innovative is always around the corner.  

Moreover, programming is one of the most demanded skills today when it comes to recruitments in not only the IT and software field but also in non-tech organizations. Almost everything that you run or browse on your smartphone or laptop is powered by some coding language. In real-life instances and scenarios as well, coding languages have entirely revolutionized the way people live and perform specific tasks.  


That’s the reason Barack Obama has started the Computer Science for All initiative in the US to bring coding and programming to the curriculum of the students right from early schooling.  Let us briefly understand how coding languages have changed the world for the better and are still doing it.

1. Websites and Mobile Apps

In this era of digital transformation, almost everyone has access to the internet and smartphones. The use of the internet is all about browsing websites and several kinds of mobile apps. Whether you talk about the commonly used messaging apps like WhatsApp, social media apps like Instagram and Facebook, the coding stays at the foundation of everything. There are over 1.7 billion websites on the internet today, all of which are powered by some programming language. Today, these websites and mobile applications have brought every activity and task to the fingertip of the users. Want to reserve a hotel, order food, connect with friends, find jobs, book a cab, watch favorite shows or movies? Coding has enabled everything.  

2. Microsoft Windows

Everybody is aware of the potential of Microsoft Windows that powers almost every desktop and laptop device today. The core foundation of Windows is powered by programming languages only. It was Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, who liked computers and programs right from his teenage years. He had once used programming to access the computers of his school. When he was fascinated by his skills, he went on to explore more in this field and developed some payroll programs and related software. Soon, he had the idea of capitalizing his programming skills to create software for the fastest-growing technology at that time – personal computers. He didn’t want to build machines but software that runs those machines. His idea took him to found Microsoft.  

3. Digital Assistants

Digital assistants are making the lives of people easier today by allowing them to find everything with just voice commands. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant are some fine examples of the top digital assistants in use today. These devices use the latest technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the internet of things (IoT), and cloud computing. The powerhouse behind these technologies is the innovative programs written in different coding languages. One can use these smart devices to find answers to their questions with voice commands, send emails, reply to messages, set alarms, control smart homes, reserve seats in buses, trains, and flights, get directions to any destination and do much more.  

4. Exploring Space

Programming has been playing a big part in exploring space since its inception. Today, NASA is using coding languages like Python to explore, discover, and know more about the Earth and universe. The innovative solutions created by NASA are powered by Python. Developers at space organizations use coding to create programs that can find the kind of materials present in space at different locations, predict radiation on the moon for the safety of astronauts, as well as collect petabytes of crucial data to understand things about the Earth.  Currently, NASA is working on its Artemis program, where Python is being used to get a better idea of the moon. The program includes the plan to send a man and woman to the moon in the coming years. The space programs by Apollo and Skylab also utilize programming and development skills to explore and conquer space.  

5. Solving Business Challenges

Businesses of all sizes today need some sort of software solution to make their processes easier. For instance, the use of software and tools like SAP, Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Antivirus, Media Player, Photoshop, Skype, AnyDesk, etc. is mainstream today. Every software has its unique set of features and benefits to solve different challenges and improve the way people work. All these possibilities are the boon of coding languages. Chrome helps people to browse any website on the internet, Antivirus software helps in protecting computer systems from viruses, Skype helps in enabling internal and external communications, etc.  

6. Transportation & Accommodation

A few years ago, it was tough to get a cab at the right price and at the right time. But with the advent of transportation apps like Uber, things have completely changed. Today, there are several online services available, using which people can quickly hire the vehicles of their choice at a reasonable price. Moreover, there are also functionalities to track the ride, time, find help when needed, and rate & review the journey. All these services are also enabled by programming languages. Traveling and finding the desired accommodation at the destinations was another challenge for tourists. They needed to visit the hotels one by one to finally find the right one for them. Also, it sometimes involved overpaying for the accommodation, or it didn’t meet their expectations. However, today there are services like Airbnb that have brought the hotels, accommodation places, and experiences on a single platform. Travelers can browse the hotels online, see rooms, amenities, pricing, and reviews of other users before booking a room for themselves.  

Wrapping Up: Undoubtedly, programming languages today have an impact on almost everything today. It has transformed the way we live and change the world for the better. It is not only helping in making it easier to perform everyday tasks but also significantly improving the operations for businesses and helping even the space organizations.  

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Published August 01, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

ELitmus 2021- Score Your Job Opportunities in Best IT Companies

Generally, a lot of students are there who don’t get placed in their core branch companies. Or even this has happened many times that they aren’t paid well by their current companies. Still, even if the companies visit the campus, this is quite difficult for the CS/IT/ECE students to get placed in the companies they look for. Is there something else that we have missed? Yeah, we have missed something, and it is tracking off-campus drives. It is indeed a tough task, especially for the freshers, to track down worthwhile off-campus opportunities and apply for the same.

  • What should the students or other college grads do at this point?
  • Are they really wasting the money which their parents have invested in their Bachelor’s?
  • Or is there something that is still worth knowing?


Here, they need to get much more knowledge about the exams apart from the ones going as per their curriculums. This could be a scorecard for them to have a knack for success in securing their position during their placement ventures. With such an exam, their worth of writing their remarkable success stories will increase for sure. And ELitmus is the key that will help them score the best package offered at a national level. Is there curiosity in your hearts for knowing about ELitmus and the syllabus pattern in 2021? Let’s begin the journey and enlighten our minds more about this ELitmus examination.

What is ELitmus?

ELitmus is an online portal that helps a lot to freshers or experienced candidates to get hired by the top multi-national tech companies. The actual name of the company is ELitmus Evaluation Private Limited and was founded, by employees who had worked at Infosys, in 2005. Till date, there are more than 60,000 candidates from approximately 37 cities of India who have taken the ph-Test or Hiring Potential Test and got an offer letter comprising awesome salary packages. You may count the companies like Accenture, McAfee, Novell, IBM, CGI, and the list keeps growing………

About ELitmus 2021

The test which ELitmus conducts is something we can’t ignore. Through this, the companies call either the entry-level job-seekers or the experienced candidates after they have enrolled themselves on the official website. But, here comes one more condition, and it is the percentage scored in the exam. And it should be more than 80 percent. Below this percentage, you can’t expect your candidacy with the core companies that will shortlist your 2021 ELitmus profiles. Thinking about how you will be able to score such a much-required percentage!! The solution is solving previous years’ ELitmus mock tests and then, you must evaluate your problem-solving speed and strategy. Moreover, if you prepare for ELitmus 2021 like this, then this will be flexible for you to get your card in the Fortune 500 companies. Such a card sounds interesting and also matches your interest in knowing more about the exam pattern, right!! Now, we will move towards the pattern of the ELitmus examination.

Exam Pattern of ELitmus in 2021

Pretty much sure, you must have heard about Amazon, Cisco Systems, Dell, Ericsson, Siemens, Bajaj Electricals, Schneider, and Mu Sigma. All these are hiring students from the scorecard of ELitmus. You may wonder if you could be the one who gets a chance in any of them. For that, you should know the exam pattern of ELitmus which the 2021 students of CS/IT/ECE will follow for their selection. This reason is much obvious – ELitmus changes its syllabus in a span of 2 or three months. This means after every two or three months, there will be a change in the topics and weightage of questions asked in the tests.

The pattern is like this: –

  • Total Sections [Three] And at every section, you will see 20 questions. Each question is going to have a weightage of 10 marks. So, 20 × 3 sections = 60 questions [which are multiple-choice and non-adaptive]. It implies 60×10 [weightage marks of each question] Equals 600 Marks.
  • In the first section, these questions will be from the Quantitative Aptitude like Number Systems, Probability, Permutation, and Combination.
  • The second section will test how good you are at the English Language. The questions will be completing the not completed sentences, comprehensions, Para jumbles.
  • The third or the last section will be the LR – Logical Reasoning. The questions are of Series, Puzzles, Blood Relations, Crypt arithmetic[This is the sub-part of LR and the number of questions will be varying from 4 to 5. If you solve them on time, then the ELitmus percentile will increase around 40%].

Negative Marking – Yes, it will be there. Now, Negative marking will start after 25% of the attempted questions have turned out to be wrong. For instance, if 16 are attempted wrong, then the total number of wrong answers which will be allowed is 4. If your wrong questions are less than 4, then there you won’t bear the consequences of negative marking. But, if 10 were wrong, then 6 out-of-those will attract a negative mark of 50% each. 

And every section will independently be treated for -ve marking.

Eligibility Criteria in ELitmus  

The eligibility criteria of this offline exam, with a time limit of 2 hours and validity of 2 years in which you can give the tests multiple times, isn’t much changed from 2020. Currently, M.E/M.Tech/MCA/MBA/M.SC Grads of CS or IT, B.E/B.Tech Graduates are eligible for appearing in the 2021-2022 pH-Test of ELitmus. However, some academic criteria are entertained by the core technology companies and the same is attached with the job ID published at the site. You can see that after you log inappropriately with your credentials.

ELitmus 2021 Syllabus 

Candidates applying for ELitmus in the 2021 year must have complete information about the syllabus. This is because according to that, they will be preparing themselves by referring to some books or studying through videos of experts tutoring the students in private or government institutions.  

1. Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

  • Number System  
  • Geometry
  • Probability  
  • Algebra
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Time And Work
  • LCM And HCF
  • Profit And Loss
  • Percentage
  • Series And Progression
  • Averages
  • Time-Speed-Distance
  • Surds and Indices
  • Logarithms
  • Mensuration
  • Equations

Solve around five to 8 questions in the Time 35 to 40 mins. And then, you can expect scoring good percentile. For this, just review these percentages.

Marks & Percentile of Quantitative aptitude


120-90 78.8-70 63.80-60 56.3-52.5 48.8-40 37.5-33.8 26.3-30
Percentile 99.80-98.75 97.23-96.19 94.8-94.11 92.42-91.37 89.57-84.44 83.32-80.51 77.80-73.55

2. Logical Reasoning Syllabus 2021-2022

  • Puzzles
  • Blood Relation
  • Data Interpretation (Bar, Line, And Pie Charts)
  • Data Sufficiency (Algebra And Arithmetic)
  • Clock And Calendar
  • Series
  • Syllogism
  • Data Sufficiency(Geometry, Logic, and Miscellaneous)
  • Direction Sense
  • Seating Arrangement

Solve around 10 to fourteen questions in the Time 45 to 50 mins. And then, you can expect scoring good percentile. For this, just review these percentages.

Marks and Percentile of Logical Reasoning


100-90 80-70 63.80-60 67.5-60 56.3-52.5 48.8-40 37.5-22.5
Percentile 99.55-99.2 98.42-96.93 94.8-94.11 96.34-95.07 93.31-92.14 90.47-84.46 83.16-68.47

Note: There will be 4 to 5 questions of Cryptarithmetic which are surely difficult to solve. But the benefit will be that it will increase your percentile till 40%.

3. Verbal English Syllabus 2021-2022

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Completion Tenses
  • Para Jumbles
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Para Completion and Inferences
  • One Word Substitution
  • Sentence Completion (Sub-Verb Agreement)
  • Sentence Completion (Vocab and Articles)
  • Sentence Correction

Solve around 10 questions in the Time 35 to 40 mins. And then, you can expect scoring good percentile. For this, just review these percentages.

Marks & Percentile of Verbal English


170-150 130-110 97.5-93.8 82.5-71.3 67.5-60 52.5-41.3 33.8-22.5
Percentile 99.9-99.27 96.89-92.79 88.54-87.26 80.92-72.84 70.69-65.34 57.97-46.37 40-28.36

Registration Steps for the ELitmus 2021 Exam 

Now, you have known about the examination pattern of ELitmus, its syllabus, eligibility criteria. Then what else are you still waiting – about the process of registration. There are some steps that you need to follow before you start preparing for this no sectional timing 920 INR ph-test that ELitmus has been successfully conducting for years. The students rigorously practicing previous years’ ELitmus Mock Tests must implement such the below-mentioned steps for checking their exam date already scheduled by the panel.

  1. Browse the official website
  2. At the rightmost end, there are options of Login and Register. Use the Register one if you are new to the pH-Test. Otherwise, try your older credentials through Login.
  3. While you are using the Register option, add your appropriate email address and password [you need to enter the password two times]. Then, select the I am not a Robot option and hit the register box.
  4. Activating your ELitmus account is essential and for doing this, you need to open your mailbox and click the activation link for becoming eligible for the current year’s ELitmus test.
  5. Curious to check your test center and test date as well. Use All this is OK but where is your admit card that will be proof for giving the exam.
  6. To get your admit card for 2021, login with your email and password on the portal of eLitmus. Then, you can navigate like Tests≥My Tests. There, you will get the link for your ELitmus admit card generated. You can either download that or send that to your email address.
  7. Congrats, you have your admit card with a unique registration ID. If you wish, you can log out from this successfully implemented registration process.

Are you still worried about how will you start your preparation for getting selected in a test where the average yearly package is 5 Lakhs 50 thousand rupees!! If this is so, then GeeksforGeeks will always be there to preparing you from the scratch with its online course – ELitmus 2021 Test Series offered at a student-friendly price of INR 499/


This Test Series will help you to prepare for the ELitmus 2021 exam in the most convenient and efficient way. It will make you familiar with the E-Litmus environment and help you to fetch maximum scores, provided you commit to us by regular practice and learning. Here, you can also get assistance regarding the doubts of Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal English, And Logical Reasoning questions.  

You are a click away – register yourself for the course

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Published August 01, 2021 by Anonymous with 0 comment

5 Mistakes to Avoid While Learning Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence imitates reasoning, learning, and perception of human intelligence towards the simple or complex tasks performed. Such intelligence is seen in industries like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, and many other sectors. But there is a thing common – mistakes while using the AI concepts. Making mistakes is quite generic and one can’t hide himself/herself from the consequences. So, instead of paying attention to its repercussions, we need to understand the reason why such mistakes may occur and then, modify the practices we usually perform in real-time scenarios. 


Let’s spare some time in knowing about the mistakes we must be avoiding while getting started with learning Artificial Intelligence:

1. Starting Your AI Journey Directly with Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subpart of Artificial Intelligence whose algorithms are inspired by the function, structure of our brain. Are you trying to link our brain’s structure and its functioning with neural networks? Yes, you can (in the context of AI) because there are neurons present in our brains that collect signals and split them into structures residing in the brain. This lets our brain understand what the task is and how it must be done. Now, you may try to begin your AI journey with Deep Learning (or DL) directly after knowing a bit about neural networks!!  

No doubt there will be a lot of fun, but the point is that it’s better not to introduce DL initially because it fails to achieve higher performance while working with smaller datasets. Also, practicing DL isn’t only harder but expensive too, as the resources and computing power required for creating and monitoring DL algorithms are available at higher costs, thereby creating overheads while managing the expenses. Even at times when you try to begin interpreting the network designs and hyper-parameters involved with DL Algorithms, you feel like banging your heads because it is quite difficult to interpret the exact interpretation of the sequence of actions that a DL Algorithm wants to convey. All such challenges will come amidst the path of your AI journey and thus, it is beneficial not to introduce Deep Learning directly.          

2. Making Use of an Influenced AI Model

An Influenced AI model will always be biased in an unfair manner as the data garnered by it will be inclined towards the existing prejudices of reality. Such an inclination won’t let the artificially intelligent algorithms identify the relevant features which reciprocate better analysis and decision-making for real-life scenarios. As a result, the datasets (trained or untrained) will map unfair patterns and never adopt egalitarian perspectives somewhere supporting fairness and loyalty in the decision-making process followed by AI-based systems.  

To understand the negative impact of an influenced AI Model, we may take a look at the COMPAS case study. COMPAS is an AI-influenced tool whose full form is Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions. It is used by the US courts for predicting if or not the defendant may become a recidivist (criminal reoffending different sorts of crimes). When this tool examined the data, the results were really shocking. It predicted false recidivism by concluding that 45 percent of black defendants were recidivists, while 23 percent of white defendants were classified as recidivists. This case study questioned the overall accuracy of the AI model used by the tool and clearly describes how such bias invites race discrimination amongst the people of the United States. Henceforth, it is better not to use a biased AI model as it may worsen the current situation by creating an array of errors in the process of making impactful decisions.

3. Trying to Fit Accuracy of AI Algorithms with Every Biz. Domain

Every biz. (business) domain won’t try to fit accuracy in every of its ongoing or forthcoming AI processes either related to software development or customer service. This is because there are other traits business ventures consider, like robustness, flexibility, innovation, and so on. Still thinking what the reason could be!! The answer is – Accuracy is foremost, but interpretability has its own potential!  

For instance, clients responsible for generating good revenue for business ventures check accuracy at a limit of say 90 percent, but they also check the robustness and flexibility of the AI algorithms while understanding the current business problem and then, predicting the outcomes much closer to their actual values. If the algorithms fail to factorize problems and do not realize the importance of data interpretation at times they are predicting the conclusions, clients straightaway reject such analysis. Here, what they are actually looking for is that AI algorithms are interpreting the input datasets well and showcasing robustness and flexibility in evaluating the decision-matrix suitably. Henceforth, you prefer not to fit accuracy with every domain generating visibility for businesses in the current or futuristic times.

4. Wasting Time in Mugging Up the AI Concepts  

Mugging up the AI concepts won’t let you acquire a deeper understanding of the AI algorithms. This is because those theoretical concepts are bound to certain conditions and won’t reciprocate the same explanation in real-time situations. For example, when you enroll yourself for a course, say Data Science course, there are various terminologies embedded in the curriculum. But do they behave the same when applied to real-time scenarios?  

Of course not! Their results vary because the terminologies when exposed to situations are affected by various factors whose results one can only understand after being involved in how these practical techniques fit well into a larger context and the way they work. So, if you keep mugging up the AI concepts, it would be difficult to remain connected with its practical meaning for a longer period. Consequently, solving the existing real-world problem will become challenging and this will negatively impact your decision-making process.  

5. Trying to Snap Up all Swiftly

Snapping up swiftly here means hurrying up learning a maximum number of AI concepts practically and trying to create AI models (consisting of different characteristics) in a shorter span. Such a hurry won’t be advantageous. Rather, this will be forcing you to jump to conclusions without validating the current datasets modeled for understanding the business requirements well. Besides, such a strategy will be landing your minds in utter confusion and you will be having more problems, instead of solutions, in your pocket.  

We may understand this through a real-life example. Suppose you are in the kitchen and preparing your meal. Now, your brother enters and asks you to prepare snacks within 20 minutes. Thinking if I am trapped or confused!! Yes, you will face endless confusion in deciding if you should be preparing your meal or the snacks for your brother. As a result, this will impact your accuracy of preparing quality meals/snacks because now, you have a time-boundation of 20 minutes. Such a situation occurs when one tries to snap up all the terminologies and notions embedded within an AI-based system/model. Therefore, instead of trying to grab everything quickly, you need to follow the SLOW AND STEADY principle. It will be helping you solve the existing AI challenge by selecting appropriately validated datasets not bound to non-accurate results.

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